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Austin Half and Full Marathon Runners/Walkers Needed!

Have you ever wanted to do a half or full marathon? Are you planning to run or walk the AT&T Half or Full Marathon in February 2009? Do you need a good "excuse" to run or walk the the AT&T Half or Full Marathon?

If any of these apply--please register for the race and then join the Communities In Schools Running Team. All Team members must commit to raising a minimum of $500 for CIS. Team benefits..include: a Team Bootcamp to kick off training (sponsored by Peak Fitness), Half and Full Marathon Training Programs for multiple levels, a Team shirt, Pre-race access to Executive Fitness on race day (located near the race Start/Finish line), Post Race Start/Finish line viewing from a Congress Ave. high rise suite, prizes for top fundraisers and much much more. .. If you are interested in joining the Communities In Schools Running Team, please contact Alissa Magrum or 464-9724.

Food Bank Pick Up Volunteer

Communities in Schools utilizes the services of the Capital Area Food Bank by providing emergency food, snacks and meals to our students and their families. We are seeking a volunteer to pick up our weekly Food Bank order at the food bank and deliver it to our Central Office located on IH 35 just south of Oltorf. This would be an ideal opportunity for a college student or a retired person.

This volunteer opportunity requires:

  • A SUV/Van/Truck
  • Available between the hours of 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm each Monday, excluding holidays and weeks following holidays
  • Ability to repetitively lift up to 30 pounds
  • Ability to load food from the dock in to their vehicle

If you have not previously submitted a volunteer application, please complete our online One Time/Special Event volunteer application!


We need volunteers to help organize our clothes closet. This year, we have received many donations of clothing for our students, and we do not have enough boxes to organize the space. Possible assistance may include building boxes, finding organizations to donate sturdy boxes, sorting clothes by sizes, and decorating clothes area.

If you have not previously submitted a volunteer application, please complete our online One Time/Special Event volunteer application!

Do an Extreme Makeover one of our Counseling Rooms

Does your group need a creative and fun way to make a real impact on CIS students and staff? A number of our CIS counseling rooms are in need of an Extreme Makeover. Whether it is a fresh coat of paint, a new couch, colorful artwork on the walls or comfy throw pillows for students to relax on during an intense counseling session with a CIS Social Worker....your help can make a huge difference in the life of a child.

There are many CIS campuses that are in desperate need of an Extreme Makeover for one of our counseling rooms (Varying time commitments based on project, flexible scheduling) Please call Alissa Magrum at 464-9724 or e-mail amagrum@www.cisaustin.org for further details.

Special Request for our Middle Schools

All middle school campuses are in need of partitions to create private counseling space. This may fall under the category of "Extreme Makeover" but we need people who can both supply the materials and build partitions.

If you have not previously submitted a volunteer application, please complete our online One Time/Special Event volunteer application.

Host a Back to School Party, School Supply, Hygiene Supply or Clothing Drive for Communities In Schools students

This is a flexible, fun way for coworkers, family or friends to do something together. Throw a back to school party or collect much needed school supplies, hygiene supplies or clothes for Communities In Schools' students.
Please call Alissa Magrum at 464-9724 or e-mail amagrum@www.cisaustin.org for further details. (Varying time commitments depending on project or event).

If you would like to host a back to school party our SmartKids after school program could use a group to host an event on Wednesday, September 3 or Tuesday, September 9 from 2:00-6:00pm. In previous years groups have served ice cream, played games, participated in group activities and mingled with kids during these parties.

If you have not previously submitted a volunteer application, please complete our online One Time/Special Event volunteer application

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