First Annual CIS Volunteer Appreciation Celebrations, 2007

Suzanna Caballero, CIS Board Member and Wachovia Senior Vice President of Business Banking & Alissa Magrum, CIS Director of Volunteer Services

"Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something." Thank You CIS Volunteers, you truly make a difference!

As an organization that utilizes close to 1,000 volunteers each year, National Volunteer Week was a busy one at Communities In Schools. From Georgetown to Austin to Lockhart and Hays County, we honored our volunteers at 3 different appreciation events.

On Monday, our Georgetown volunteers were treated to lunch at the Georgetown Romeo's. What a generous group of people! A very special thanks to Romeo's for donating the delicious lunch. On Tuesday evening, all volunteers were honored at the Wachovia on South Congress. The rain didn't dampen our spirits. We had great attendance, fabulous food, great live entertainment, scrumptious cake and a lot of fun.

CIS student at Dawson Elementary and her mentor of 5 years (and winner of the First Annual CIS Volunteer of the Year Award), Jennifer Black. Congratulations Jennifer!
All nominees for the CIS Volunteer of the Year Award were recognized at the event. Congratulations to all of our nominees: Paul Domaruk ~ Paul Ellul ~ Bruce Fisher ~ Erika Glaser ~ Adam Martinez ~ David Mireles ~ Zakiyyah Muhammad ~ Elizabeth Rabinovitsj ~ Jennifer Black ~ Cullen Vetter ~ Nakeenya Haynes (see photo gallery). We truly appreciate your incredible contributions to Communities In Schools.

Drum roll please .... Jennifer Black was presented the first CIS Volunteer of the Year award! Jennifer has been a mentor to the same CIS student for the last 5 years at Dawson Elementary. Her mentee and her mentee's family were there to personally thank Jennifer. What an amazing testament to the positive impact our volunteers have on CIS students (and their families). Special thanks to Jennifer Black for her commitment and dedication as a Communities In Schools volunteer!

A very special thanks to our Austin Event Sponsors: Wachovia ~ Strumero ~ Baby Greens ~ Thai Spice ~ Chick-fil-A ~ Nueva Onda ~ Moonfish Studio ~ Lake Austin Spa & Resort and Stokes Sign Company.

Bill Wilson (President of Wachovia) and Suzanna Caballero (CIS Board Member and Senior Vice President of Business Banking Wachovia) joined Suki Steinhauser, CEO of Communities In Schools to honor CIS volunteers at the CIS Volunteer Appreciation event.
On Wednesday, we took the Volunteer Appreciation party to Lockhart where we celebrated our Lockhart and Hays County volunteers at a luncheon. What an amazing group of people. To close out the week, thanks and appreciation was passed on to our Communities In Schools AmeriCorps members for their service. They show great passion and dedication as they give back to our community via National Service and AmeriCorps.

Thanks again to all Communities In Schools volunteers. We truly appreciate all the time and talent you give to help us achieve our mission of helping kids stay in school and prepare for life!

Photo Gallery (click on images to enlarge, must allow pop-ups from this site)

Suzanna Caballero
and Alissa Magrum
Suki Steinhauser
and Bill Wilson
Collete Williams
and volunteer
Suki Steinhauser,
Zakiyyah Muhammad
and son

Michael Romero and
Cristian of Strumero

Paul Ellul and
Alissa Magrum
Alissa Magrum
and Bruce Fisher
Erika Glaser and
Alissa Magrum
Zakiyyah Muhammad
and Alissa Magrum
Alissa Magrum,
Elizabeth Rabinovitsj
and daughter
Cullen Vetter and
Alissa Magrum
Garza campus "Mentor
Moms" and Anna


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