CIS AfterSchool and Travis County Collaborative AfterSchool Project (TCCAP)
CIS AfterSchool is funded in collaboration with Austin ISD by the Federal 21st Century Community Learning Center program. The CIS AfterSchool activities specialists provide safe, fun, structured activities for kids who would not ordinarily be involved after school. Activities cover a wide range of topics with a focus on leadership, fitness, and service learning throughout entire program.
The AfterSchool Secondary program serves students at Pearce Middle School.
In 2003 the Travis County AfterSchool Network (TCAN) completed a mapping study of afterschool sites and services in Austin. Several low-income zip codes were identified as having major gaps in afterschool services. The Travis County Commissioner's Court responded to the findings of this study by funding the Travis County Collaborative AfterSchool Project (TCCAP) to provide afterschool and social service programming for the students in two of these zip codes near Webb and Pearce Middle Schools.
TCCAP is a collaboration of Communities In Schools, Austin ISD, the Center for At-Risk Youth (CARY), and the Boys and Girls Club. Communities In Schools is at the cornerstone of this partnership, with on-campus staff at Pearce and Webb providing referrals and services to students in need during and after school.
The County funding has provided a full-time Communities In Schools program manager at Webb Middle School and a part-time campus-based mentor coordinator to provide a mentoring program for Webb and Pearce middle school students.
For more information, please contact CIS AfterSchool and TCCAP coordinator Kelli Sureck at (512) 464- 9721or e-mail